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Irregular noise.

Last updated 7 months ago

If an AC motor is making irregular noise, it may be due to one or more of the following reasons:

  1. Bearing issues: The motor's bearings may be worn or damaged, causing irregular noise.

  2. Misalignment: The motor shaft may be misaligned, causing the motor to vibrate and produce irregular noise.

  3. Loose components: The motor's mounting bolts, shaft couplings, or other components may be loose, causing irregular noise.

  4. Electrical issues: The motor may have electrical issues such as damaged windings or a faulty starter, causing irregular noise.

  5. Overloading: The motor may be overloaded due to excessive load or a mismatch between the motor and the load, causing it to produce irregular noise.

  6. Mechanical issues: The motor may have mechanical issues such as misaligned or damaged rotors, causing it to produce irregular noise.


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RG17 0YT, United Kingdom


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